Our Local Bounty - 2015


Join Our Local Bounty for
Our First Season of Community!!

What is a CSA?


Over the last 25 years, CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) has become a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. 

At the beginning of each season, farmers sell shares or memberships in the local harvest. Then each week, members receive a basket of fresh produce for the duration of the growing season. This arrangement creates benefits for both farmers and consumers. The reward for consumers is the ability to enjoy ultra-fresh, locally-grown food, as well as to see how food is actually grown and handled.  CSA members also have the satisfaction of knowing that part of their food dollar is remaining in the local economy, and they are sustaining a local farm business.

By participating in a CSA, you get to eat fresh, locally-produced food - making more healthful choices - and support a local farming business and family!   CSA customers sustain the local farm by sharing some of the initial capital start-up costs and risks associated with farming each season.  These expenses, that need to be paid before the first crop is harvested, include: farm labor, greenhouse construction and maintenance, seeds, potting soil, growing media, utilities (water, heating, cooling, and lights), greenhouse supplies, delivery supplies, delivery fuel, etc..  

In general, CSA members pre-pay about 60 days in advance of the first harvest, and harvests usually last from 10 to 20 weeks.  This allows the farmer to use this capital to prepare, plant, grow, and harvest the crops while ensuring that he has customers waiting for the ripe produce at harvest.  This also allows the farmer to focus his full attention on raising crops instead having to split his attention between growing and marketing at his busiest time. 

CSA members usually pick up their share at the farm or at a centrally-shipped location, while a few deliver to the member’s home.

CSA works for you, local agriculture, and the environment!